Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Deviant Perspectives

Deviant Perspectives

Q Instructions: -Thoroughly read chapter 6, Deviance. After reading, answer the following questions: • Review the image of shoes on page 130 (also see image of apple/oranges). Do the red shoes (red apple) represent deviance or difference? Explain • Richard Quinney argues that criminal justice serves the interests of the powerful. How? Explain? Also, discuss differential justice as it relates to Latinos, African Americans and women. Give examples… Write one paragraph per question. Exceeding one paragraph is acceptable. Witt 6 Six - Deviance Power.pptx

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Deviance refers to a behaviour that is in violation of societal norms. Such behaviour is considered to be immoral and abnormal in line with the agreed norms and standards of a certain culture. But deviance can be a complex concept because it varies per societal group, place or time. It also differs from one believe system to the other. In order to form a harmonious living environment and contain the behaviours of people, societies opt to subscribe to certain code of conducts.